DC Fitness

5 Top Exercises for Men/ Home workout for men!!

The Pilates Home Workout: 
5 Top Exercises for Men

Whether chest, back or core muscles - Pilates exercises are the perfect combination of fitness and strength training for the entire body. You can do something for your health here without any heavy dumbbells or expensive training equipment.

1. Pilates exercises as strength training for the stomach - cross-over sit-ups:
Fancy a six-pack? This is not a problem with the crossover sit-ups, because the special sit-up variant is the ideal fitness training for the straight and lateral abdominal muscles. For the starting position, we lie flat on our back, tense our stomach tightly, form a 90 degree angle with our knees and cross our hands behind our heads. While breathing in, we now stretch out the left leg and pull the right knee towards the chest. At the same time, the upper body is lifted at an angle so that the left elbow touches the right knee. When returning to the starting position, exhale slowly and in a controlled manner and finally extend your right leg, pull in your left knee and touch your left knee with your right elbow. Perform eight repetitions on each side. 

2. Buttocks, legs and back extension - shoulder bridge as strength training:
A strong torso is essential for a healthy posture. After the abdominal muscles were already in focus, let's turn to the back of the body. The shoulder bridge not only trains legs and buttocks, the Pilates exercises are also aimed specifically at the lower back and the core muscles of the body. To take up the starting position, lie flat on your back again and place your arms next to your body. Now inhale deeply, while exhaling push your pelvis up and support your hips with your hands. Hold the position, take another deep breath and now fully extend your left leg. Bend your stuck leg again while exhaling and stretch it out again while inhaling. Return to the starting position and repeat the process with the right leg. A total of eight repetitions per leg.

3. Strength training for a strong chest - Pilates push-ups:
In addition to the positive effects on health, Pilates strength training should also bring visual improvements. Strong arms and a strong chest are particularly popular with many men. When doing Pilates push-ups, you first stand with straight, closed legs and tense the abdominal muscles. Now curl up the body vertebra by vertebra until the hands touch the ground. The legs stayed straight. Now take a few steps forward with your hands until we are in the push-up position. Do three push-ups while touching the mat with your chest. Now return to the starting position and repeat the Pilates exercises eight times.

4. Pilates exercises for the back - Swan Dive:
Well trained back muscles protect us from chronic pain and prevent injuries. In the so-called Swan Dive, the deep muscles along the spine are particularly activated, and the trunk and body tension are also trained. In the starting position, lie on your stomach with your arms next to your body, the palms of your hands facing up. Now breathe in deeply and lift your head and shoulders as you breathe out. When you breathe in, return to the starting position and on the next exhale lift your head, shoulders and arms and turn your palms down. When you breathe in, return to the starting position and, in the next step, when you breathe out, lift your legs as well as your head, shoulders and hands. Return to the starting position again. Repeat the entire Pilates exercise eight times.

5. Pilates exercises for more flexibility - the swan:
In addition to strength and coordination, a certain amount of flexibility and mobility is essential for health. The swan exercise stretches the abdomen and spine. The starting position is the prone position, the face is directed towards the floor and the arms are bent at a 90 degree angle at about the height of the shoulders. Now press your palms into the mat and pull down slightly. Pull your shoulder blades together in parallel. Now slowly push your upper body up with your arms until your arms are fully stretched. Keep your legs and pelvis on the floor throughout the exercise, keeping your eyes on the mat. Drain slowly and in a controlled manner. As with many of the Pilates exercises, there are a total of eight repetitions.


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