DC Fitness

Can a Humidifier Help Prevent Covid Infection?



While not a panacea – there is no question that Covid spreads more indoors with low humidity levels as per this article:  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/08/200820102503.htm

As the article points out “if the relative humidity of indoor air is below 40 percent, the particles emitted by infected people absorb less water, remain lighter, fly further through the room….”    At higher humidity levels the droplets mix with viral particles and fall to the ground earlier.     So respiratory viruses become more infective during low humidity!

Humidity and Respiratory Immune Function

It is critical to understand that - the respiratory arm of our immune system that defends against all respiratory infections including colds, flu’s, and Covid – depends on a mucous layer and cilia (small hairs) which work together to trap allergens, viruses and bacteria.    

The tiny cilia whip back and forth many times per second to transport the mucous and what it is carrying towards our throats where it is then swallowed or coughed out and thereby destroyed.

If the humidity is below 40% our mucous membranes get dried out, and this is particularly true at night when are asleep as we gradually dehydrate from the lack of liquid intake.

Mucous and Immunity

Mucous aka “snot” is a gross subject.   However, in addition to trapping viruses and bacteria for removal mucous contains antibodies that can kill viruses and bacteria as well as lysozyme which is an enzyme that destroys bacteria.

When mucous secretions dry up several bad things happen:

Your body inhales more viruses and bacteria.

You kill less inhaled viruses and bacteria.

Your cilia do not work properly to keep the airways clean.


Using a Humidifier During Winter Months

Since the air inside gets much drier in winter months using a humidifier properly can help!    In addition to supporting your respiratory immune system a humidifier often helps with painful dry throats; dry, itchy skin, and dry, itchy, red eyes that afflict many in the winter.

The key is making sure you keep it clean – or a helpful practice can cause issues due to the growth of mold.   Take these simple steps to prevent this issue and get the benefits of a humidifier:

1.    Change the water EVERY day and clean the tank of the humidifier thoroughly once a week.

2.    Use additives such as vinegar, tea tree oil, or hydrogen peroxide or you can purchase humidifier tablets designed to kill molds.

3.    Use distilled water rather than tap water.    Tap water is filled with minerals that help mold grow.

4.    Change the filters periodically.

5.    Turn off, clean thoroughly when it is not needed to prevent too much humidity.


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