DC Fitness

Beautiful And Healthy Skin Routine!



Would you die for a naturally flawless complexion? How would you like to have sublime and radiant skin? Learn how to nourish and protect your skin in order to have a fresh complexion as soon as you jump out of bed!

Eat healthy and exercise

Drink a lot. Try to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Water will brighten your complexion and make your skin glow, as your body will be able to flush out toxins more easily.
Take a water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink regularly.
Drink herbal teas or other non-caffeinated drinks to hydrate yourself when you are tired of drinking water.

Eat a healthy diet:

 Healthy proteins and fruits and vegetables can do wonders for the appearance of your skin. Add these to your diet and you will quickly see results.
Omega 3 fatty acids: These are found in fish and nuts and are all especially beneficial for your skin.
Vitamin C: This substance will help pimples to heal faster, for this, consume citrus fruits and spinach.
Foods rich in fiber: Fresh vegetables, nuts, and unprocessed fruits help keep you balanced and have good transit. If you don't have a bowel movement at least once a day, you may feel tired and sick (headaches and stomach aches).
Eat less salt and sugar: Try to consume less than 45g of sugar daily and eliminate salty foods as much as possible. Eating too much salt can make your face look bloated.
Take vitamins: If you are worried about not getting enough vitamins and minerals, try taking a dietary supplement. Vitamins designed for pregnant women are particularly beneficial for the skin.
Play sports: Endurance exercises make your skin glow because it stimulates blood circulation. Exercising is also healthy for your body and will make you stronger. The results will be immediate and lasting!

Dealing with acne:

Prevent pimples before they appear: 

Here are some easy tips to help prevent pimples from appearing. Change your pillowcases every 4 to 5 days. A cool and clean pillowcase can prevent your skin from inflaming overnight.

Don't touch your face:

If you tend to rest your chin on the palm of your hand or constantly fiddle with your face, break the habit. Impurities on your hands, even in small amounts, could give you pimples.

Tie up your hair when you sleep: 

If you have long hair, keep it away from your face while you sleep. Braid them and use barrettes or a headband to keep your bangs away from your forehead.

Get enough sleep:

 Stress can cause breakouts, so make sure you are rested and calm.
Change the contraceptive pill (for women). Some oral contraceptives contain estrogen and can limit acne breakouts. Ask your doctor if these pills might be right for you.

Don't touch or poke your pimples:

 This could make the infection worse and leave you with permanent scars

Consult a dermatologist: 

If you cannot manage the problem on your own, see a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe a treatment such as Accutane, Retin-A or treatment with blue and red lights.

Consider using a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. Some acne cleansers contain salicylic acid, a product that kills acne-causing bacteria.
To avoid drying out your face, start by using a salicylic acid cleanser only in the morning and see if that's enough. If that is not enough, use this product in the evening as well.

Use an anti-pimple treatment:

 There are several products you can apply to active pimples to reduce redness and kill bacteria. The two most popular types of products are salicylic acid gels and benzoyl peroxide creams.
If necessary, try to use both formulas.
Be aware that benzoyl peroxide can discolor hair and textiles.

Apply a clay mask to your face:

The clay eliminates impurities while absorbing excess fat and it rids you of certain bacteria, which allows you to have clearer and more even skin. Make yourself a clay mask once a week after you shower and dry your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes or until it is dry, then rinse off and apply a moisturizer.
Never leave the clay on your face overnight, or even let the mask dry completely, as this can dry out your skin

Develop a routine:

Wash your face: at night. During the day, makeup, dust and sebum collects on your face. Get in the habit of cleaning your skin properly before going to bed.
Use a makeup remover: A makeup remover will not only prevent makeup from clogging your pores and giving you breakouts while you sleep, but also spreading bacteria on your pillow, which would come back to your skin night after night.
Use a mild soap: Remember, you want to cleanse your skin, not completely rid it of its natural oils: if your skin feels dry and tight after cleansing, the product you are using is too strong.
Avoid applying this product to the eye area as the skin in this area is too delicate for most cleansers.
Rinse off the product by splashing water on your face. Using a washcloth or towel to vigorously wipe your face can irritate your skin even more. Instead, lean over the sink, take some water in your hands, and spray it on your face. Spray your face about 10 times, this should be enough.
Gently dab your face to dry it. Do not rub your skin with a towel. Pat your skin dry by gently dabbing it with a cloth or allowing it to air dry.

Apply a toner:

 A toner will remove excess sebum and impurities from your skin that may remain after cleansing your face. In addition, this product will close your pores. Not everyone needs a toner, but some people will find that this product will improve the quality of their skin.

How to apply:

Pour a few drops of tonic on a piece of cotton. Then gently pass this cotton over your skin.
Only use an astringent product if your skin is unusually oily. These products are extremely strong and can contain up to 60% alcohol. If your skin is rather dry, using an astringent could actually give you an acne breakout, as your sebaceous glands would produce a lot of oil to compensate for the dryness caused by the product.
Witch hazel water is a natural option that can replace a synthetic tonic or astringent.
Consider applying the toner only to the areas of your face that tend to have breakouts. For example, you might only apply the product to your nose or forehead.

Apply moisturizer:

 Applied in the morning, a moisturizer will act as a base for your makeup and help it stay in place throughout the day. Moisturizing your skin at night will help your skin regenerate and push back the appearance of wrinkles. It is therefore an essential step for long-term glowing skin.
Consider using a lighter moisturizer during the day. If you tend to get breakouts, save the rich cream for the evening and use a moisturizing gel during the day.
Don't forget your neck and décolleté. These areas can dry out and become irritated if you don't hydrate them enough.

Exfoliate your skin once a week: 

If your skin tends to be dry and dull, a weekly exfoliation will get rid of dead skin cells. Find a very fine-grained exfoliate and don't rub the product too hard on your skin: make small circular motions and exert light pressure.
A simple mixture of sugar and honey will make a very good scrub. Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
You could also exfoliate your skin with a dry brush designed specifically for the face. Brush your face in small circular motions.
It is possible to exfoliate skin that is predisposed to acne formation 2-3 times a week. For this type of skin, it is often best to use a chemical exfoliate.

Protect your skin from the sun: 

Avoid thick, tanned skin and applying sunscreen whenever you go to spend time outdoors. By protecting it from sun damage, you will keep your skin plump and supple for years to come. Know that you can sunburn in under 15 minutes, so be prepared!
Stick to an index 30 cream: higher indexes don't have so many additional benefits.
Look in the makeup section for spray sunscreens that will be light and dry.
Use a tinting cream or foundation that contains sunscreen, so that your face is constantly protected.


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