DC Fitness

The mental and emotional benefits of exercise!


The mental and emotional benefits of exercise:

There are many reasons for exercising, such as staying healthy or losing weight. But did you know that physical exercise also helps maintain your emotional and mental health? Exercise is a very powerful "medicine" in that it naturally does what many scientists in the pharmaceutical world have been creating for decades. Below are some of the many benefits of physiological performance of exercise.

Stress reduction:

The ability of exercise to reduce mental and physical stress has been well documented. Going to the gym or exercising at home gym equipment can have a strong release of certain stress chemicals that help the brain moderate stress. In addition, by regularly subjecting the body to physical stress, it is taught to recover and adapt to stress, both physically and mentally.

Better sleep:

As the body needs to recover from exercise, your brain will tire you out sooner and help you sleep more soundly at night. The human body recovers at night when we sleep; this is the most profound effect of recovery after workouts. Without sleep, you won't progress much in your pursuit of fitness. Fortunately, your brain is supporting you on this quest.

Increased happiness:

Exercise can increase the release of "happy chemicals" called endorphins, which work the same as pain relievers by interacting with neurotransmitters in your brain. Don't worry, there is no addiction here. These endorphins are released naturally through exercise and have been shown to reduce depression and increase feelings of "euphoria" after training. Besides, exercising outdoors can also give you a boost.

Greater self-confidence:

There are many factors that make exercise a great benefit. First, your social skills benefit from a "workout" that gives you more confidence in and out of the gym. You'll likely be more confident in the gym environment, which will spill over into other aspects of your career and personal life. Finally, you will also improve the positive image you have of yourself and the way you express yourself, while increasing the perception of your self-worth.

Increased cognitive function:

It has been shown that as we age, our cognitive functions tend to decline. Regular exercise at any age can affect the part of the brain that acts on memory (the hippocampus) and improve its function. This is also true of our ability to learn. With the same adaptations on the hippocampus, people who exercise regularly are more likely to retain new information.

Alleviate anxiety:

The function here is very similar to what was discussed above with endorphins. Exercise has been shown to be even more effective in reducing anxiety than a bubble bath, and at the same level as a Swedish massage. Exercise helps reduce feelings of anxiety because it not only releases endorphins, but gives your mind something else to focus on, such as maintaining regular breathing.

More energy:

When we exercise, our blood flow is increased, which helps transport oxygen and nutrients to our muscles and makes us more energetic and alert. As noted above, with improved sleep quality comes improved energy, as our body gets the rest it needs. Research shows that people who exercise regularly are generally more productive, both in their professional and personal lives. It is also related to the fact that their positive dialogue with themselves increases, which has a great effect on the perception or feeling of being awake and full of energy. Finally, because people who exercise are also more likely to make healthy nutritional choices, they also perceive that they have more energy and consume less caffeine on a daily basis.

Develop and strengthen interpersonal relationships:

When people start exercising with a friend or partner, they find quality time to spend together and keep each other motivated. Additionally, by feeling confident through exercise, people will seek out other people with similar interests. Therefore, they will begin to develop and strengthen interpersonal relationships, which are a basic human need. Belonging to a community has a big impact on mental health and the success of our goals.

Exposing gym members and clients to these benefits of exercise can help increase their longevity in the gym, as well as increase the likelihood that they will see results and recommend friends and members of their team. family. What positive emotional and mental health have you personally noticed since exercising a part of your life?

5 tips for exercising at home:

Get the latest information on COVID-19
Exercising at home can be a great alternative to the gym. In fact, that's even ideal. Here's why :

Ten benefits of working out at home:

  1. The bathroom and the kitchen are very close; no need to queue or drag shoes for the shower!
  2. Your valuables are always safe, even without a padlock.
  3. No problem if you are not in your best shape - there is no one to judge you.
  4. No need to find parking.
  5. You don't have to undress in front of strangers.
  6. No need to run to fill your water bottle before class starts.
  7. No need to pack a gym bag - or remember to bring it with you when you leave work.
  8. No need to go out in the pouring rain, in the freezing cold… or in the heatwave.
  9. Stay motivated.
  10. You choose the music.

Getting around at home isn't complicated, and there's no shortage of ideas for exercise. Here are some tips to help you choose an exercise program, persevere, and maximize your results:
  1. Choose your space:
Reserve a corner of your home for training. All you need for an effective and varied workout is an area the size of a yoga mat.
Choose a place other than where you eat or watch TV. You will be able to concentrate on your exercises better, without think about your favorite series on Netflix
turn on your computer or take a look at your phone.
How to stay active when working from home?

2. Put on your sports clothes:

Dress like you're going to the gym. This is because you will want to exercise more if you wear workout clothes.

You could also start by putting on your athletic shoes and playing music to do a few chores around the house or yard for 15 minutes. This is a great way to boost your energy levels for your workout.

Invest in shoes that offer good support. The choice of shoes is extremely important. Do some research to determine what is right for you.

According to Ms. Wood, it's also a good idea to reward yourself by buying new shoes or sportswear when you reach a goal. If your budget allows, of course.

3. Don't worry about the equipment:

You probably don't need a lot of gear - in fact, you might not need it at all.

“There are a lot of bodyweight exercises,” says Wood. Planks, crunches, and push-ups are some of my favorites because they work multiple muscle groups at once. They burn calories and build muscle with less exercise. The quality of execution is important; otherwise, there is a risk of injury. You can create a training program with these three exercises. "

If you have a few basic accessories, like a mat and mini dumbbells, you will have even more options. In fact, if you are using weights, it is better to have two sets so you can modify your exercises as needed.

You can also use soup cans or water bottles as weights. Elastic bands and a foam roller may also be useful for stretching before you work out and releasing muscle tension after your workout.

4. Find new programs with technology:

Worried about not knowing how to create an exercise program? No problem. You will find a large number of them online, particularly through applications, which are often free.

You could for example try Fit plan: Gym & Home Workouts, Get Fit: Home Workout & Fitness or Tone It Up. These apps offer guided daily exercise programs that can be done anytime, anywhere - including at home. Most of these tools are free. Otherwise, you can in most cases do a trial period before purchasing them.

If you have a smart speaker, it can guide you through your workouts. If you have little time, but a lot of energy, Alexa can find five-minute workouts for you.

And why not create - for free - an energizing playlist on Spotify? Pick songs that make you want to move, and switch lists every now and then to break the routine.

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5. Set realistic goals:

Take it gradually, trust yourself and listen to your body. The goal is not to get you into Olympic training overnight. Determine a reasonable intensity and frequency and maintain them. You could start with three days a week and then increase the frequency as your body gets used to it.

Are you at home or working from home because of COVID-19? You might find other ways to move when you are at home. For example, keep track of how many reps you do and how much time has passed, and try to improve your results from time to time; According to Ms. Wood, it's a great way to track your progress and stay motivated.
 “Make exercise part of your daily routine; choose a time that suits you, whether it's morning or evening. ” By adapting your program according to your habits and tastes, you are putting the odds in your favor and you should not be long in feeling and seeing results.
Your workout doesn't have to be fancy or complicated. Here is a bodyweight exercise program suggested by Ms. Wood; you do not need any equipment:
  • Warm-up: Go up and down the stairs for five minutes.
  • Plank: 20 to 60 seconds (you can also lean on your knees or forearms instead of your feet or hands, depending on your preference).
  • Push-ups: 10 to 15 repetitions (you can also do them on the knees).
  • Leg curls: 10 to 15 repetitions.
Take a 30 to 40 second break between each set, then start again. The number of sets will depend on your current physical condition. Finally, calm down by walking in place, then stretch gently.

“Exercise is a great stress reliever,” says Wood. It's really important to take the time to move. Set the rest aside, and do it, period! You will feel better, you will sleep better, you will have more confidence in yourself and you will accomplish more in your days. Find what works for you, and make it a daily habit. ”

Adopt an active lifestyle in 5 easy steps
Training at home saves you time and money, plus you can customize your workout endlessly. Have confidence in the effectiveness of the method, give it the necessary time, and you will reap the rewards of your efforts: better health.


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