DC Fitness

How Bodyfat Hurts Memory



Yes – you heard it right – excess bodyfat negatively impacts memory!   A large study, with over 11,000 people between 25 and 34 years old looked at inflammation using a standard test for overall inflammation levels called C-reactive protein (CRP).   The research showed a strong correlation between high BMI (body mass index) levels, CRP levels and working memory.   Working memory is memory associated with immediate conscious memory such as remembering a list of foods to buy at a store.   

There are several mechanisms that help explain how inflammation threatens memory.   Inflammation increases cortisol which is a stress hormone that is toxic to cells in the hippocampus - an area of the brain that is key to memory.   Excess inflammation also drives increased production of cytokines (chemical messengers) that have direct negative effects on the prefrontal cortex - another area of the brain that is key to memory.

High bodyfat levels and obesity drive inflammation all over the body and are linked to coronary artery disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.



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