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12 tips for a healthy heart!!/ how to avoid heart fail?/tips for long and healthy life?

12 tips for a healthy heart and a long life:

A healthy heart keeps us alive: The heart is the largest muscle in our body and is vital! About 7,000 liters of blood are pumped through our body every day. Each cell is only supplied with oxygen and vital nutrients through our heart. To do this, it contracts up to 100,000 times a day and then relaxes again. An enormous achievement! This is why it is so important to keep it healthy. 150,000 people still die of heart attacks every year. 

 How healthy is my heart :-

Take the test! You can either assess for yourself whether you are at risk of heart failure or whether your lifestyle habits are already OK for your heart, or you can use a self-test to make an initial assessment. If you are looking for a rapid test, you can get information from the nearest Heart Foundation and do the heart test there. Alternatively, you can have your family doctor check you out once.

1. Strengthen the heart with exercise:
To keep your heart healthy, exercise is essential. It doesn't have to be training for a marathon. Many studies show: Some sport is better than none at all, and even small exercise units in everyday life can make your heart healthier. It is important to do the sporting activity regularly. Simply incorporate this into your everyday life. Whether Nordic walking, a walk, swimming or sports exercises for at home. One to two hours of exercise a week are enough to keep the heart healthy. With regular exercise you prevent heart diseases and strengthen your immune system, your organism and can reduce stress. Not only do you do your heart good, but your quality of life also benefits from it. Heart tip: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do your small shopping consciously and on foot. Take a closer look at their everyday routes. There are sure to be a few ways to make them more moving. Spend more time in the fresh air and in the sunlight. Because our heart needs sufficient oxygen to be able to work healthily and vigorously. We can refuel a lot of it in the forest and in nature.

2. Healthy foods for the heart:
 In addition to exercise, diet plays an important role in a healthy heart. With the right foods, you can contribute to the best possible heart health. Eat a varied diet and take the time to cook and eat.
For a healthy heart, you should bring the following foods to your plate more often and also keep a few nutrition tips in mind: Fresh vegetables, nuts, olive oil and fruit should definitely not be missing in your heart-healthy shopping basket. A varied, healthy diet is sufficient for healthy people to supply the body with all the important nutrients and vitamins. Foods that contain vitamin D, vitamin C, folic acid, carotene, calcium and souls have a cardiac effect. Vitamin D cannot be absorbed in sufficient quantities by the body through food. Vitamin D is made in the body using sunlight. For this reason, you should exercise a lot outside, in the fresh air and in the sunshine. Try to eat little meat, but prefer high quality. Organic meat contains more vitamins and fewer harmful substances. Instead of meat, you prefer fish. Use salt wisely. It is better to season with herbs, chilli and pepper. Caution: There is a lot of salt hidden in many ready-made products, even if the food doesn't taste that salty at all. Better to cook yourself as often as possible and not add salt. Not only is too much salt bad for your heart, but sugar too! The fructose in fruit is less harmful because many different healthy phytochemicals and fiber have a balancing effect. Pure sugar, on the other hand, has a heart-weakening effect and should only be consumed occasionally. Saturated fatty acids from animal sources (milk, meat, eggs) should be consumed in moderation. On the other hand, unsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids from nuts, seeds and high-quality vegetable oils strengthen the heart! Omega-3 fatty acids in particular are considered beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

3. Take regular preventive careers for a healthy heart:
Visiting your family doctor regularly is an important step in closely monitoring your heart health and identifying risks early on. The health insurance companies usually pay for a check-up every 3 years. Visiting a doctor regularly is an important step in closely monitoring your heart health and identifying risks early on. The health insurance companies usually pay for a check-up every 3 years. The whole body is examined here, but above all your heart! Blood samples are taken. Among other things, the total cholesterol value, LDL and HDL cholesterol value and triglyceride value are checked here. The risk of diabetes is also recorded using blood sugar levels.

4. For a healthy heart, you should check your blood pressure regularly: 
If you have seen the first signs of high blood pressure, it is worth purchasing a blood pressure device. Blood pressure is an important indicator for recognizing cardiovascular diseases that may occur. You should therefore keep an eye on your blood pressure as you get older or if you have any abnormalities.

5. Watch your weight to strengthen your heart:
 With sufficient exercise and a healthy, heart-promoting diet, you automatically ensure a good weight. It is important to keep an eye on the relationship between calorie intake and consumption. For this reason, check your weight regularly.

6. Proper breathing keeps your heart healthy:
Breathing works like medicine - it can even influence serious illnesses. Cardiologists have shown that in people who suffer from cardiac insufficiency, the oxygen saturation of the blood - and thus performance - can be significantly improved with simple breathing exercises. Breathing exercises can be done while sitting, preferably in a quiet place. A clock or an alarm clock with a second hand can serve as an aid. Sit comfortably with your shoulders sagging and try to breathe towards your stomach. Close your eyes and watch your breath come and go for at least five breaths. Then estimate how many seconds you breathe in and try to breathe out about twice as long. Find a rhythm that makes you feel good and gives you enough air. If your mind wanders, return to your breath. It takes a few weeks to see any measurable improvement in blood pressure or heart rate. To achieve this, the breathing exercise should be done for 20 to 30 minutes a day, either in one piece or three times a day for five to ten minutes. A relaxed feeling is usually noticeable immediately after the first attempt.

7. Slow down your life to strengthen your heart:
To protect our hearts, we have to slow down our everyday lives. Our heart needs sufficient rest. Everyday stress has a long-term negative effect on our body. Make sure you have regular breaks and relaxation in your everyday life. Take a bath, go for a walk, just lie down on the sofa and close your eyes. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or mediation can also help.

 8. An afternoon nap to strengthen your heart:
A study from the University of Athens Medical School found that regular afternoon naps reduced the risk of succumbing to cardiovascular disease by 3 percent. Because during sleep, the heart rate slows down and the body can relax. For this reason, you should also take a nap every day. 30 minutes are sufficient to increase the life expectancy of your heart enormously and to strengthen your heart. 9. Smoking damages your heart - give it up It's never too late to quit smoking! Smoking is harmful to your health and harms your heart. Just 1 to 4 cigarettes a day double the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. If you smoke, give it up consistently! Most of all, your heart and lungs will thank you and you will feel healthier.

10. Watch TV less: 
Those who watch TV less than 7 hours a week have a healthier heart. The reason: TV time is mostly spent sitting, and immobility weakens the heart and lowers life expectancy. A compromise: if you watch TV or love series, combine your "vice" with sport. There are many activities you can do while watching TV. For example riding a bike, treadmill or yoga. 

11. Alcohol him measure for the sake of your heart:
Whether completely abstaining from alcohol or consuming it moderately is better for the heart remains a scientific controversial question. A study by the University of Cambridge recommends no more than 100g of pure alcohol per week, regardless of gender. More is not good for the heart. So alcohol in moderation is okay. Just drink alcohol more consciously and only in small amounts.

12. A good night's sleep strengthens your heart:
12 tips In addition to an afternoon nap, restful sleep is also important for a healthy body and heart. We can only regenerate with enough sleep in order to feel balanced and comfortable the next day. During sleep, the body lowers its heart rate, which relieves the heart. That is why it is so important to ensure undisturbed and adequate sleep phases.


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