DC Fitness

Nutritional tips for men/ healthy lifestyle of men/ diet plans for men!!


Nutritional tips for men:

Power, fitness and vitality into old age can be achieved if a man does a little for it. Sweat-inducing physical activity is not the only thing, a healthy diet is just as important. In the meantime, more and more men have recognized this, but sometimes there is still a little lack of practical implementation.

Men / women - the small difference:

Men love schnitzel, steaks and fat sausages, women prefer salads and vegetables. An old prejudice? No. Studies by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) confirm at regular intervals that the stronger sex has a great preference for everything carnal. The Robert Koch Institute has also determined that there are significant differences in food consumption between the sexes in this country. A comparison of the annual per capita consumption for certain food groups shows that  men consume on average:
* less fruit 
* fewer vegetables
* more meat and sausage products 
* more dairy products 
* more edible fats and oils 
* significantly more alcohol.
Many types of vegetables contain secondary plant juices that have a preventive effect against cancer, for example in cabbage vegetables, but especially in tomatoes. The ingredient in tomatoes that is responsible for this protective effect is called lycopene. It gives tomatoes their intense red color. Lycopene neutralizes the harmful free radicals in the body. Since highly concentrated tomato paste and canned tomatoes are made from ripe tomatoes, they contain significantly more lycopene than fresh tomatoes. So the beautiful headline “Ketchup against Cancer” has a grain of truth in it. German women do not have a perfect diet, but they do eat a lot better than men. This is also a major reason why they live an average of 7 years longer, suffer less from cardiovascular diseases and have a better defense against infections. If you eat a little more consciously and follow a few important nutrition tips, you can do a lot for your health.

10 simple rules for healthy eating:
  • Eat versatile Enjoy the variety of foods. There are no such things as "healthy" or "unhealthy" foods. It all depends on the quantity, selection and combination. 
  • Cereal products - preferably made from whole grains - several times a day and plenty of potatoes.
  • Vegetables and fruit 5 times a day Fresh, briefly cooked or as juice, fruits and vegetables provide plenty of vitamins, minerals, fiber and secondary plant substances. 
  • Dairy products daily, fish once a week. 
  • Meat, sausage products and eggs in moderation Low fat and high fat foods Prefer low-fat meat and low-fat cold cuts. 
  • In the kitchen, prefer high-quality vegetable edible oils such as olive oil or rapeseed oil. 
  • Use sugar and salt sparingly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids at least 1.5 liters every day. Only consume alcoholic beverages occasionally and in small quantities (for men e.g. 0.5 l beer or 0.25 l) wine per day. 
  • Prepare tasty and gentle Short cooking with little water and little fat preserves the natural taste of the food and protects the nutrients. 
  • Take your time, enjoy your meal Eating consciously helps you eat right. Take your time eating.
 This is fun, encourages you to access it in a variety of ways and promotes a feeling of satiety. Pay attention to your desired weight and keep moving Do something for your fitness, well-being and your figure on a regular basis.

Protein powder for strong muscles?

Hobby athletes and body builders like to use protein concentrates when training in the gym to accelerate muscle building. But the expensive drinks and powders are often simply superfluous. Because protein deficiency is actually not a problem in any country. Rather the opposite is the case. Nutrition experts have long complained about excessive protein intake in many countries. This can be attributed to the high meat consumption, which increases the proportion of proteins in the nutrient supply. Instead of the recommended 0.8 g per kg of body weight per day, protein intake is around 1.2 g, i.e. 50 percent more. With an average mixed diet, even a slightly increased protein requirement could easily be covered during muscle training.


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