DC Fitness

Health and fitness: Impact during COVID-19



Covid-19 situation where whole country was in Lockdown, everything was on pause no one is allowed to roam around, every shop, gym, whole country was facing situation where every individual’s life was on risk and at that nobody was allowed to go and everyone themselves were so much scared that they don’t go out only in emergency situation they go out.

So that time no body go out for any outdoor fitness exercise all they can do is exercise which they can do at home in between those 4 walls.

So at that time everyone’s fitness get affected some continue doing exercise which keep them healthy but some become so much lazy that they stop doing everything but only stick with their couch so this was the time where all have faced a lot, who are health conscious they at that time also find a way to remain healthy and fit, engage themselves in indoor exercise, start doing their household work, yoga, they start practicing zumba at home.

Internet help a lot during this phase as people watch videos, start reading articles make them aware about different indoor exercise that how and what they can do to stay fit during lockdown.

This was the time where everybody was free no gym was open and whole family was together so whole family  start doing exercises together which not only become interesting, family bonding between them increases as well as whole family become aware about fitness.

This time was most difficult for children as they don’t go out so it make them lazy their interest towards outdoor games decreases and which affect their fitness a lot but parents who all are aware about doing exercise engage their child with them in works which are interesting and also works in increasing their physical health.  


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