DC Fitness

Healthy Lifestyle!!


Today the main causes of illness are: smoking, diet, lack of sport, alcohol and stress. But the good news in all of this is that you have control over all of those unflattering habits. Having a healthy life is all up to you!

Adopting a healthy lifestyle and being in shape is above all a desire (and some concessions) that will allow you to feel better with your body, your morale and your environment. It is important to know that living healthy does not mean suffering and depriving yourself of everything; on the contrary, it is to feel pleasure, or rather, to have pleasure. And it is not necessarily abandoned your mantra of living from day to day!

Taking a step back from your bad habits and following the right strategy to change them will allow you to have a healthy life without having to worry too much about it. Here is a list of 5 habits to follow to have a healthy life and be in shape every day.


Successfully breaking free from cigarettes is a difficult step, but far from impossible. If you can successfully change this habit, the risk of disease will be much lower and your wallet will thank you too! Keep the motivation once acquired and do not fall back into the trap.

There are several ways to quit smoking. The first, more than a method, is an alternative to cigarettes: it is the electronic cigarette. The principle of the electronic cigarette is based on vapor and not on tobacco. It therefore damages the heart and lungs much less, unlike traditional cigarettes.

Another method to stop smoking is to turn to lozenges, gums or even nicotine-based patches. Nicotine is the component in cigarettes that makes smokers addicted. A good first step towards stopping smoking and a healthy lifestyle is therefore to opt for nicotine substitutes in the form of lozenges, gums or even patches. You can freely get them in pharmacies.


The best way to lose weight is to reduce the calories consumed by
eating more fruits and vegetables.
Being overweight promotes the development of many diseases after smoking.
Willpower, hard work and patience are the keys to changing bad habits
and living a healthy lifestyle.
It's about keeping as much pleasure as possible while respecting the
rules set at the start.
Of course, you shouldn't set goals that are too hard from the start,
otherwise you won't succeed.
But rather you set goals regularly in order to continue to please yourself.
To get a more precise idea, know that calories are found in fatty,
sweet and salty foods.
So, when we ask ourselves the question of how to be in shape or
how to have a healthy life, it is necessary
(you already know this but we will never repeat it enough) to avoid eating
foods that are too fatty, too sweet or too salty. .
Of these 3 components, the most insidious, that is,
the hardest to detect, is without a doubt
sugar. It is also often considered a drug by health professionals.
It should therefore be particularly wary as it is
present even in so-called "healthy" foods such as fruits and
Examples of too sweet fruits to avoid
(or at least to consume with a lot of moderation):
pineapple, mangoes or grapes. Instead, prefer berries
which have a good sugar / fiber ratio.
This type of fruit (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries…)
will help you have a good balance
in your sugar consumption and thus, will promote your weight loss.


Lack of sport is the cause of several heart diseases,
diabetes, cholesterol, etc. You don't have to do a lot from the start,
start with a few minutes in the morning: you will already feel
the change and your desire to play sports will develop more and more!
Exercising doesn't have to mean going to the gym for 2 hours
every night after work.
When looking for a healthy lifestyle, it's mostly
about staying active, because an inactive
body is a body that accumulates bad calories without ever
eliminating them, which inevitably leads to overweight,
if not overweight.
To live a healthy lifestyle, especially when you're very busy
and don’t necessarily have time
to hit the gym, there are a few easy ways to stay active.
And for that, you don't have to be a big, muscular athlete!
For example, when you come home at night or when you get
out of the metro in the morning on
your way to work, rather than taking the
elevator or escalator, choose the stairs.
Likewise, for your short trips, instead of
traveling by car or public transport, opt
for walking or cycling. And don't make excuses for yourself!


Alcohol has serious health effects, which is why drink in moderation,
women should not exceed
one drink and men two glasses of alcohol per day.
In addition, drinking alcohol carries
many risks such as car accidents or the
acceleration of violent behavior...
Because of your (excessive) alcohol consumption,
you become dangerous not only for yourself,
but also for others. To reduce your intake, try drinking slowly
and alternating alcohol with water. Please note: drinking
in moderation does not mean that it is harmless to your health.
If you can afford to sacrifice alcohol, you are
likely putting the odds in your favor.
To significantly reduce your alcohol consumption, know that today
there are many drinks and non-alcoholic cocktails
that will allow you to reduce your consumption and discover
new tastes while making you happy.
At the risk of making some smile, the best drink
you can drink is obviously water.
You have to drink water to live, of course. But when looking for a
healthy lifestyle, it is important to understand the draining effect
that water has on our bodies.
Indeed, drinking plenty of water promotes the elimination and
release of toxins through the urine. Water is
the most natural drainer there is,
but there are others such as tea.
Drinking lots of water is therefore essential for a healthy life.
But like everything we consume, it should not be abused.
Many people, especially fitness enthusiasts, drink and
recommend drinking more than 2 liters of water per day...
But more and more nutritionists are sounding the alarm
that drinking too much has health risks,
including the elimination of minerals that are
essential for our body to function properly,
such as sodium. We therefore recommend that you limit yourself
to 1.5 liters of water per day.


Stress is the cause of many illnesses
(depression, heart disease, hypertension, etc.).
In addition, stress does not help to quit smoking, or to drink
in moderation, on the contrary.
To take a further step towards a healthy lifestyle
by reducing your stress, it is first necessary to
identify its cause (or rather its origin)
in order to work on it.
Generally, the best-known sources of stress are:
work, studies (or exams) for students,
family or couple problems, etc.
These very uncomfortable situations can
quickly put you in a bad routine, a vicious circle
that will end up making your life unbearable; what you
want is to have a healthy life.
Try to change your habits rather than go after
what is giving you so much hassle.
For example, students are known to be very stressed about
their studies, and even more so during their exam period.
What to do in these cases? No scientific study has ever shown
that you do better in exams by spending entire days just revising.
For students who do this, it is important to (reasonably)
reduce the time spent on revisions.
And if cutting down on revising time isn't
enough to stop revising stressful, then every effort
should be made to improve the quality of the
time you spend revising.
This involves, for example, taking regular breaks or
relaxing around an activity that
makes you happy while studying
(reading a book, watching a movie, cooking, etc.).
Also remember to leave your home or the library and
spend time with your loved ones!
Do whatever takes you out of the routine and
especially that makes you happy.
This is possible even when you have a lot of work.
Good organization is essential if you want to get rid of
stress and have a healthy lifestyle.
Here are some additional ideas of activities to go to
if you wanting to better manage your
stress and ultimately eliminate it:
practicing sports, meditation, yoga,
playing / listening to music...


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