DC Fitness

The foods that deflate the belly!


Do you know what are the foods that deflate the belly? The complete article.

Swollen belly and abdominal tension, goodbye! Here is a complete list of foods that deflate the belly and all the practical tips to prevent those obnoxious swelling in the lower abdomen.

Let's start by saying that the belly-deflating diet must include foods with low fermentation power and combine with an equally healthy and balanced lifestyle. Carbonated drinks, cigarette smoke, fatty foods and green light to sport and good habits are banned.

The advice is also to avoid chewing too much gum, drinking through a straw and limiting the consumption of alcohol and beer during and after meals. Finally, if the abdominal tension is high, it is advisable to limit the consumption of legumes, potatoes and fried foods.

In addition to a list of foods that deflate the belly, in short, there are very specific rules that it is good to make your own. Chewing slowly, taking the right time to calmly consume meals, for example, is essential to aid digestion and prevent annoying and unsightly bloating.

Foods that deflate the belly:

The good news for all those who suffer from abdominal bloating is that the foods that help deflate the belly are many and very good. These are foods that are easy to find and digest, poor in substances that ferment easily in the intestine.
These foods, in fact, avoid the production of excess gases responsible for that unpleasant sensation of "fullness" and abdominal tension, often accompanied by pains and cramps in the lower abdomen. Here's what it is

Fruits: Banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, mandarins, oranges, grapefruit, papaya
Vegetables: Celery, carrots, zucchini, peppers, eggplant, lettuce, green beans, squash, tomato (although, in theory, this would be a fruit)
Meat, fish, eggs
Rice, spelled, quinoa, corn, oats, buckwheat, millet
Dairy products: Vegetable milk and yogurt, hard and aged cheeses. Yogurt, in particular, is a very valuable food in the daily diet because it supports the intestinal bacterial flora allowing the intestine to function properly. Combined with a little fresh blueberries, with their well-known anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, it is a great way to start the day right from breakfast.
Legumes: Soy
Nuts: Walnuts and almonds

Some fruits, then, have a high draining power and act synergistically with foods that deflate the belly as they contain enzymes capable of accelerating the metabolism of proteins, one of the main causes of abdominal swelling.

Grapefruit, lemon, papaya, kiwi and pineapple in this sense are among our greatest allies in digestion.

And let's not forget the important role of detox foods, such as radishes, artichokes, asparagus and fennel that help eliminate waste, drain excess fluids and reduce food fermentation in the intestine.

Swollen belly: foods to avoid:

The list of foods that help accentuate abdominal bloating consists of all those foods rich in carbohydrates that tend to ferment in the intestine, giving rise to disorders such as heaviness and bloating. Let's see together by categories of which foods it is:

Fruits:  Apples, pears, apricots, cherries, peaches, mangoes, watermelons, persimmons, plums, plums
Vegetables: Beets, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, shallots, mushrooms, peas
Dairy products: High-fat milk and yogurt, fresh cheeses
Legumes: Chickpeas, lentils, beans, broad beans
Cereals: Rye, wheat and white flour
As you may have noticed, legumes promote the formation of intestinal gas and are part of the list of foods to avoid for those suffering from these disorders. However, as is well known, it is a class of foods with considerable nutritional value, essential for the health and proper functioning of the whole organism.

Furthermore, they are an irreplaceable source of vegetable proteins and boast properties with undoubted functional and energetic power. In order not to eliminate these foods from our diet, we can take small measures that reduce their intestinal fermentation.
In cooking, for example, it is advisable to cook them by adding a little baking soda to the water after observing a long soaking phase.

Bay leaf, basil, mint, thyme, cumin, rosemary, fennel seeds are spices and aromas that reduce gas formation and can be added to our legume-based dishes while giving taste and delicacy.

Swollen belly: 

The causes Abdominal bloating can be a transient or pathological disorder caused by several factors. The excess air that forms in the stomach and intestines, in fact, is mostly caused by a wrong diet, but anxiety, stress or intestinal irritation play an important role.

Even food intolerances, such as lactose or gluten, are among the triggers of a swollen belly, a bit like irritable bowel syndrome, which is one of the main causes of a pathological swollen belly.

 Healthy and balanced lifestyle:

When abdominal bloating represents a transient and sporadic state, the first thing to do is to change your eating habits and embrace a healthy and balanced lifestyle. This means reducing the consumption of sweet and carbonated drinks, dedicating some free time to sports and drastically limiting the consumption of alcohol.
In addition, there are many supplements and natural products on the market to combat non-pathological swollen tummy. Vegetable charcoal, in this sense, is the best known and most effective herbal remedy to combat this disorder. In fact, coal absorbs gases in the intestine, literally incorporating the excess air swallowed during meals or produced during digestion.




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