DC Fitness

Tips for dry skin!


Tips for dry skin 


How nice it is to have soft, supple and glowing skin. Beyond aesthetic considerations, the skin serves as a protective barrier and it is important that it remains healthy. Skin dryness results from a deterioration of the natural barrier that keeps the skin hydrated.
Anyone can have dry skin at times, at any age. However, as we age, the skin sometimes tends to become dehydrated more easily. This is due to various changes, including a slower turnover of skin cells.
Sometimes dry skin is accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, tingling or tightness, redness, and scaling (peeling skin). In extreme cases, the integrity of the skin may be compromised (eg, cracks or chapping). In addition, having dry skin contributes to the aggravation of certain skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea, for example.


Dry skin can be attributed to several factors, some of which are related to lifestyle. Here are a few examples:
excessive cleansing of the skin;
contact with irritants;
wind and cold;
exposure to the sun;
excessive heating or lack of humidity in homes;
overconsumption of alcohol;
certain diseases (eg: eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc.);
taking medications (eg: diuretics, acne products, chemotherapy agents, etc.).


There are a multitude of ways you can take care of your skin every day. Here are some healthy and simple habits to adopt to keep your skin always well hydrated.

Use cleansers that are gentle on the skin. Cleanse your skin every day, but not too often. Use pH balanced, soap-free and unscented cleaners.

For healthy skin:
Hydrate your skin every day. After showering or bathing, pat your skin dry by gently patting it with a towel, avoiding rubbing. Then apply a good quality, unscented moisturizer. You can reapply it as needed during the day.
Healthy food: 
Adopt healthy eating habits. Follow the recommendations of Canada's Food Guide. Choose healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, fish, etc. Avoid junk food.
Stay hydrated:
Drink a lot of water. Drinking a good amount of water every day keeps the epidermis hydrated, supple and healthy. Cut down on drinks that are high in sugar or caffeine.
Avoid smoking:
Refrain from smoking. Smoking affects the hydration level of the skin as well as causing many other skin damages, such as accelerating the aging process.
Drink alcohol in moderation:
Alcohol consumed in excess has a dehydrating effect, which can affect the skin. In addition, alcohol affects sleep. Sleeping well is essential for the skin to regenerate.
Protect your skin from the sun's rays:
Optimal sun protection measures should be recommended to avoid dry skin. Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 before sun exposure, winter or summer.
Use a humidifier:
 This should be recommended during winter, especially in the bedroom. Regularly maintain the appliance by cleaning it and changing the filters.
Protect your skin from adverse conditions:
Wear gloves when working outdoors or with irritants.
In cold or windy weather, wear a scarf and warm, protective clothing.
Avoid exposure to excessively hot temperatures (eg sauna or heatwave).
Reduce the length and frequency of your baths and showers, as well as the water temperature. Replace long baths or showers in very hot water with quick baths or showers, and adjust the water to a moderate temperature. Washing only once a day is usually sufficient.


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