DC Fitness

Home remedies for glowing skin!!


 Home remedies for glowing skin:

More and more people are concerned about the condition of their skin. Meeting the needs of our skin, either because it suffers from dryness, dehydration, excess oil or irritation from external agents, has become one of our priorities. Therefore, it is not surprising that every time we invest more money and time in finding and buying the right cosmetics to alleviate these damages.

However, on many occasions it is difficult to find products that meet these needs and adapt to our skin 100%. It is essential to have the appropriate cosmetics for daily care, both in moisturizers and cleansers as well as in makeup products or other more specific ones such as contours, serums or those exclusively for more specific care. But there are needs that we can cover with natural remedies or homemade masks. What if the solution for those irritations that appear suddenly, or days in which the skin is extremely dehydrated, was in the pantry of our kitchen? We have discovered that the combination of certain foods or natural elements can have miraculous effects on our skin. Here are some 
Home remedies for specific needs:

-Olive oil to hydrate the eye contour:

Olive oil is one of the foods richest in antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids, something that can greatly benefit the appearance of your skin. Its antioxidant benefits, thanks to its high content of Vitamins A and E, can be the best ally for first wrinkles, as well as reducing the appearance of the most marked signs of aging. Heating the oil (very little, just until it is warm) and applying it with your fingers or a cotton ball massaging the eye contour area can have extraordinary effects. If your skin is dry and acne-free, you can use this remedy to hydrate your entire face.

- Green tea for sun damage:

When summer arrives, after sun and other cosmetics with aloe Vera become our best ally to combat the damage caused by the sun. However, burns and irritations on the face caused by sun exposure are not so easy to alleviate, since these cosmetics are usually very invasive for the skin of the face. For those burns and irritations, green tea may be the best pain reliever. Simply heat the tea bag in water and then cool it down. Caress the face with the same bag, focusing on the most sensitive or damaged areas. Its active principles and antioxidant powers stimulate the skin to help repair tissues that have been affected.

-Cucumber and rose water to recover the skin from excesses:

The regenerating power of rose water and the vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds of cucumber, may be the best combination to calm your skin after a night of excesses. This mixture becomes a hydrating toner that firms the skin and eliminates inflammation caused by lack of sleep or excess toxins, tobacco and sugar to help the skin recover from irritations or lack of shine in the skin. It is enough to liquefy the cucumber with the rose water until it becomes a homogeneous mass and apply it, as a mask, in the areas that we want to treat for 30 minutes.

- Yogurt and honey for dehydrated skin:

Honey is one of the richest foods in properties for the skin, which acts as a natural moisturizer. Thanks to its vitamins and powerful antioxidants, it has a very powerful anti-aging effect, which helps to deeply hydrate the skin. Honey, mixed in equal parts with natural yogurt (rich in active bifid us and high in protein) creates the perfect combination to hydrate combination skin. The yogurt and honey mixture balances oily and dry areas, making it ideal for moisturizing both dry and acne-prone skin.

Finally, acne on the face or back is another major concern in the area of ​​skin problems. To combat it, there are several natural ingredients that could be of great help.

In the first place, lemon juice, which thanks to its citrus components, makes it have an antibacterial effect, and thus eliminates the residues that, in many cases, can be the cause of the appearance of pimples on the face. One tip is to add it to warm water or micellar water for daily skin cleansing.

 -Home remedies to combat acne:

Another of the home remedies to combat acne is egg white. The large amount of vitamins and proteins in egg whites help eliminate acne and rebuild the skin, as well as absorb excess oil. The method of application is very simple: just beat two or three egg whites until they are foamy and spread them on the face for a few minutes. Afterwards, cleanse the skin and apply your moisturizer.


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