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obesity. In different countries



obesity. In different countries


 In 1970, Finland had the highest number of deaths from heart disease in the world, mainly due to obesity.  The government campaigned, educating people about diet and exercise, and said that smoking causes heart disease, so it should be stopped.

 The result of this campaign was that after 30 years, 80% of the people got rid of catalpa and the life expectancy of Finns increased by an average of ten years.  The director of the World Health Organization (WHO) says that in this regard, ordinary people should be tempted to give rewards, such as quitting smoking and getting rewards.  Also, If you lower your cholesterol, you will be rewarded.

It can also be tempting to lose weight and get rewards from us.



 48% of Indians complain that their wives are overweight, which makes them look ugly and ugly.  Similarly, 46% of Indian women complain that their husbands look ugly and unattractive.  It is as if the two are unhappy with each other on the basis of equality.


 37% of Chinese admit that they take weight loss pills.  Experts say that people in China are worried about their obesity, so they buy weight loss pills, but these pills can be dangerous to health.  They can also cause death, as the makers of such pills do not follow the principles of health.

The survey found that women around the world are more anxious to lose weight than men, so they are interested in weight loss pills.  Weight loss pills are consumed by 30% in Brazil, 24% in Russia and 23% in Mexico.


 When surveying many countries around the world, people in Switzerland were asked why they work so hard to lose weight, when doctors do not give any special instructions and people living here  Not overweight?  So an interesting thing came out in this regard that the people here do not give much importance to the doctors.

 Only 11% of the Swiss population follow a doctor's advice, while 46% in Mexico and 39% in France value a doctor's advice.


 Many people also smoke to lose weight and lose weight, even though it is a stupid idea.  In Mexico, China, the Philippines, and especially Russia, people smoke to reduce their appetite.

 23% of Russian men and 18% of women admit that they smoke to lose weight.


 95% of Filipinos honestly say they have no interest in losing weight.  They eat with full satisfaction, while 82% say they do not have the courage or energy to fight hunger.

 Only 38% of people want to lose weight.


 Thais are experts in cooking.  They do sprinkle pepper in their food, which helps in proper digestion and absorption, but they add pepper in view of the idea that the taste of the food becomes sticky and you do not eat fast.

 Americans eat food very fast, so by the time the brain tells them to stop eating, they have eaten too much.  Conversely, when you eat cheaply, food reaches your stomach.  The only way to do that is to eat spicy food.


 The Indonesian religion is Islam, in which fasting is obligatory.

 By fasting you do not eat anything from morning to evening.  Experts say that there is no need to starve to lose weight, but moderate starvation can save you from overeating to some extent.  This way, less heat reaches your body.


 Polish people say that they eat more when you eat at home than outside, because when you eat out, you work frugally and eat less than you need, which saves you money and your money.  Calories also reach the stomach less.


 92% of French people eat dinner together.  They eat food regularly and talk during the meal, so that the food is minimized in the stomach.  Eating too late also makes you feel full and should not eat anymore.


 75% of Germans do have breakfast.  Not only do they eat egg bread for breakfast, but they also eat uncooked bread, oatmeal and fruit.  Experts say that breakfast should be eaten in the morning.  If you don't eat breakfast, you will feel more hungry and you will try to eat more in the afternoon.


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